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We offer an array of workshops and learning opportunities for instructors, graduate teaching assistants, and instructional staff looking to enrich their teaching practice. 

Winter Quarter

Mar 19 | Writing@UW: An asset-based approach to working with multilingual student writing

Learn about strategies and resources that support effective academic writing, particularly for international and multilingual (I/M) students.

Spring Quarter

Apr 14 – Jun 6 | Teaching Online 101

This 8-week, fully online, asynchronous course is designed to enhance your digital course design and digital pedagogy skill set.

April 24 | Designing Group Work that Reflects the Needs of International Learners

In this interactive workshop, faculty from a variety of disciplines will share strategies for designing group work that reflects the needs of international learners.

May 2 | Building an ADA compliant syllabus

This information session will demonstrate how to build a basic syllabus that complies with the updated Americans with Disability Act (ADA) accessibility standards for digital course materials.

May 6 | Fostering a Growth Mindset and Sense of Belonging

Join a panel of faculty for a discussion of an initiative, piloted at UW Tacoma, that promotes a growth mindset and increases students’ sense of belonging in the classroom.

May 14 | Updates on grading from the Office of the University Registrar

UW Registrar, Helen Garrett, will provide an overview of grading policies and resources updated by the registrars from the Seattle, Bothell, and Tacoma campuses.

May 22 | Demystifying Alternative Grading

Learn how alternative grading systems can foster learning and increase student motivation.

Summer Quarter

Jul 7 – Aug 1 | AI+Teaching: Using AI to advance learning

This 4-week, fully online, asynchronous course is designed to explore evidence-based strategies that use generative AI to advance student learning and support effective, efficient course design.



2024-2025 Past Events

Feb 20 | Globalizing the Syllabus

This workshop is focused on helping faculty make their syllabi more globally inclusive.

Feb 6 | Teaching Critical Literacy of “AI”

Calvin Pollak, Assistant Teaching Professor in UW’s Department of English, will share how instructors can help students take a critical approach to using generative AI.

Jan 15 | Conversation: Proposed updates to the Faculty Code language on effective teaching

Learn more about proposed revisions to the Faculty Code’s language on effective teaching, currently under review by the Faculty Senate.

Dec 3 | Aligning Your Course Around Outcomes and Objectives

This interactive session will focus on developing measurable learning outcomes and objectives.

Nov 19 | Engaging Students through Participatory Design

Beck Tench, Senior Researcher (Harvard University), will share how instructors in any field can apply “participatory design” in their teaching.

Nov 4 | Conversation: Preparing to meet new federal digital accessibility rules

Learn about and discuss UW’s plans for meeting the US Department of Justice’s new expectations for the digital accessibility of course materials.

Oct 23 | Faculty Panel: Using AI to support teaching

Join a panel of faculty members from UW’s Bothell, Seattle, and Tacoma campuses as they discuss integrating AI into their teaching.

Oct 15 | Trauma-Responsive Teaching

Explore teaching strategies that recognize the impact of trauma on learners and foster inclusive learning environments.