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Inclusive and accessible teaching

Inclusion and accessibility are core to our work at the University of Washington and foundational to effective teaching. Students who feel welcomed and able to succeed in a class are more likely to learn and thrive. Students who can readily access course materials, regardless of disability or health conditions, are more likely to persist and contribute.

Despite its importance to teaching and learning, myths persist about inclusive and accessible teaching. These myths often take the form of statements such as:

  • “My classroom is inclusive because I always treat all students the same.”
  • “I have lots of [insert name of marginalized group here] in my course. It’s so inclusive!”
  • “I teach [insert STEM field here]. Why would I talk about [inclusion, race, gender, sexuality, ability] in my class? That’s humanities-type stuff.”
  • “I didn’t get any disability accommodation requests, so I don’t need to worry about accessibility.”

These statements wrongly imply that creating inclusive, accessible learning environments requires little forethought or intentionality, or that inclusive, accessible teaching is the domain of a certain subset of UW faculty.

The reality is that inclusion and accessibility don’t  just happen. These do not  emerge automatically, nor are they brought about by the efforts of a single office, division, department, or discipline. By adopting inclusive, accessible practices, we all contribute to building learning environments where all students can thrive.

What is inclusive and accessible teaching?

Inclusive, accessible teaching refers to practices that foster learning environments in which students of all identities, abilities, and backgrounds can thrive. Instructors who pursue an inclusive and accessible teaching practice value the diverse strengths that they and their students bring to the classroom, acknowledge the systems of power and privilege that shape the learning environment, and adopt an accessibility-oriented mindset.

Instructors who teach inclusively and accessibly make learning more likely. Students who do not feel safe, who cannot access learning spaces or materials, or who feel that their voices and experiences don’t matter are forced to spend more energy than other students to simply meet their basic physical and emotional needs. This is energy that might otherwise be spent focusing on course concepts.

Although there are distinct practices associated with inclusive teaching and accessible teaching, there is significant overlap and they often reinforce each other – accessible teaching practices often further inclusivity, and vice-versa.

Inclusive teaching practices

The process of developing an inclusive teaching practice starts with reflection and moves through content selection and community building.

Reflect on your teaching

Examining and reflecting on how your own identities shape your pedagogical values, biases, and relationships with students can help you build a more effective, engaging classroom.

Learn more about developing a reflective teaching practice.

Make course content inclusive

The decisions you make when choosing course content can contribute to the development of a more inclusive learning environment for all students, regardless of discipline.

Learn more about how to make your course content more inclusive.

Create an inclusive and accessible classroom culture

While developing disciplinary knowledge and skills are important, higher education also prepares students to contribute and collaborate in complex, diverse settings.
Learn more about creating inclusive and accessible classroom cultures.

Reduce barriers for all students

All students face challenges as they pursue their educational aspirations. The links below provide strategies that support specific student needs. Intentionally infusing your teaching practice with these strategies often improves the learning environment for all students.

Accessible Teaching Practices

The process of developing an accessible teaching practice involves ensuring that our course materials meet accessibility standards and designing multiple ways for students to engage.

Make course materials accessible

Explore  guidance on creating digital course materials that align with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Learn more about making course materials accessible.

Practice Universal Design for Learning

By providing students with varied opportunities to engage course content and demonstrate their learning, your course will be accessible to a greater number of students.
Learn more about Universal Design for Learning.

Use accessible teaching methods

Designing accessible, inclusive learning environments is essential for meeting the needs of students with disabilities, but also ultimately helps all UW students learn and succeed.
Learn more about using accessible teaching methods.