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Call for Proposals

UW Teaching & Learning Symposium Showcase

Thank you for your interest, the submission window closed on January 26.

The UW Center for Teaching & Learning invites faculty, staff, postdocs, and students across all three UW campuses to share their teaching practices or teaching-related research in the 2024 UW Teaching & Learning Symposium Showcase. Situated on the tri-campus Teaching@UW website, the showcase is a publicly-accessible digital gallery celebrating evidence-based, learner-centered, reflective teaching at the University of Washington. (See last year’s showcase.)

Submissions can be focused on any aspect of teaching and learning, but we especially encourage proposals that explore this year’s theme of “Empowering Students.” The theme acknowledges that our classrooms, like the world around us, are filled with power dynamics – novice/expert, student/instructor, listener/doer, marginalized/privileged. How does or should power shape learning environments? What are ways to acknowledge, redistribute, and responsibly use power in the classroom? How can our teaching practices empower students?

Proposal submission process

Submitted proposals addressed the criteria and requirements outlined below.


Accepted proposals will:

  • Focus on a clearly articulated instructional challenge
  • Include a project description written for a general, interdisciplinary audience*
  • Clearly describe the project’s broader applicability to teaching at UW
  • Demonstrate the project’s connection to reflective, evidence-based teaching practices or research

Proposal submission requirements

  • Project description: Describe your project for a general audience.
  • Project question: What teaching challenge are you trying to better understand or solve through your project or reflection?
  • Context: What are the characteristics of your instructional setting: course, type of students, modality, does it meet a general education requirement, is it a required course, etc.
  • Methods: Describe the methods and/or strategies that you use to answer your project question.
  • Impact/Assessment: How does your project impact student learning and how do you measure that impact?
  • Application: Explain what instructors in other disciplines might learn from this project and how your findings might be applied to other instructional contexts and disciplines.
  • Photo: A headshot, team photo, or image that represents your project in high-resolution portrait orientation .jpg/.png file (1080 x 1350 pixels)

*Attendees at the Symposium come from a diverse array of educational and disciplinary backgrounds. Please limit your use of disciplinary jargon where possible and write with a general audience in mind.

Interested in sharing your work in person?

The Symposium’s Keynote event on April 16 will convene a panel of educators selected from Showcase submissions to discuss the symposium theme, “Empowering Students.” The Center for Teaching and Learning will contact you via email in February if your proposal is selected for this opportunity.